WATA - Williamsburg Area Transit Authority
WATA stands for Williamsburg Area Transit Authority
Here you will find, what does WATA stand for in Firm under Transportation category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Williamsburg Area Transit Authority? Williamsburg Area Transit Authority can be abbreviated as WATA What does WATA stand for? WATA stands for Williamsburg Area Transit Authority. What does Williamsburg Area Transit Authority mean?Williamsburg Area Transit Authority is an expansion of WATA
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Alternative definitions of WATA
- Witwatersrand African Taxi Association
- West Anglia Training Association
- Wentworth Audit Tax Advisory
- Washington Assistive Technology Alliance
- World Arabic Translators Association
View 6 other definitions of WATA on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- WTC Wilson Trailer Company
- WEACL World Events Asia Company Limited
- WGP Weller Grossman Productions
- WTI Whiz Technologies Inc
- WFKL The Wow Factory Kent Ltd
- WBG Wilshire Benefits Group
- WPL Worldwide Partnerships Limited
- WTS Worldwide Translation Services
- WP Workshop of Photonics
- WHAL West Hartford Art League
- WAB Western Arkansas Ballet
- WG The Web Guys
- WBD White Box Digital
- WFCI Western Fence Co. Inc.
- WRC Wilde Roast Cafe
- WPBGE Workforce Planning Board of Grand Erie
- WSP We Stay in Paris
- WTFC Washington Timbers Football Club
- WLCSC West Lafayette Community School Corporation
- WCRMC Washington County Regional Medical Center